Comparison is the thief of joy

Comparison is the thief of joy‘ – Karamo Brown

This quote is so relevant to every day life, but especially so at PopUp Painting events. Having been with PopUp Painting for 6 years now as an artist, I am constantly encouraging and praising people on what an amazing job they are doing whilst painting. There are often people who have never painted on a canvas since school, if at all. Seeing someone step out of their comfort zone, having fun should be given a big fat high fiving five!

However, whilst I’m doing that, I am often faced with phrases like ‘Oh it doesn’t look like the artist’ or ‘I can’t do this.’ I get frustrated by this. They are negative phrases that don’t belong in the creative process of the event… or anywhere in life really.

By comparing your masterpiece to another, you are taking away your ability to recognize the great qualities you have made, be it a simple blend of tones or a tiny dot in an odd place that somehow balances everything out. The point: you have no reason to compare your canvas, (or life, if you can relate to this on any level) because what you are doing and what I witness at every event, is that you are creating your own exceptional, unique interpretation of a painting. Whether you realise it or not you are being creative. You are just being you. And being you is fab!

Don’t take that accomplishment away from yourself by saying something like ‘theirs is better”!

The minute someone said yes to joining a PopUp Painting event, knowing they have no idea how to even hold a paintbrush, (Oh, yes. I have seen some shocking ways of how people think a paintbrush should be held) they stepped outside that little zone of comfort. From that first moment, a decision was made to silence that voice that says ‘I can’t’. 

The key is to keep that exceptional unique flame lit during a PopUp Painting event or in life or any activity that you might be freaking out about and leave the little seed of doubt to die a horrible dehydrated death!

Tiger Enamel Pins!

Meeeeooow! Look what I have gone and designed… Yep! Tiger enamel pins. For those who know me and my work, would I really have made anything else? 😀

If you have found yourself roaring with excitment, it probably means you have falling in love with them. So you absolutley need to check them out on my website shop here –  CLICK ME

Thank you 🙂


Brief Boys

4 Saturday’s ago I discovered @briefsfactory There’s a section of the show that is gloriously mad & so I created this image. 😂 Everyone should experience the Brief boys.





When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are able to bring gentleness and grace in every aspects of your life, even in the most challenging moments. By inspiration from the deer’s qualities, you can achieve ambitious goals and tackle difficult situation smoothly with a touch of gentleness and grace. Words associated with the deer are: SENSITIVE, GENTLE, INTUITIVE, VIGILANT

A  🙂



Merry new year people! Now let me tell you something that happened last year!! Sunday 20th December 2015, saw the return of the ‘Phing Thing’ at the Ben Oakley Gallery in Greenwich London. Over 30 artist took part, including myself in a charity auction for St Christopher’s Hospice.

We all customised the Phing Thing model and if you can’t tell what mine is, then allow me to tell you. It’s been transformed into a Tiger! Can you hear it Rooaaar!? 

Hope Santa was kind to you all and your New Year brings you lots of joy!

A  🙂




An animal surprise I keep meaning to post. Yep! still getting orders. 😀 To view the whole range so far please visit my website here –

A  🙂



I’ve been taking part in Inktober lately, but I haven’t been doing it everyday. Mainly because I don’t want the pressure of producing something just because I feel I should. So I’m just doing a drawing when I can and I’m really enjoying it. Below are 4 images of what I have inked so far.

A  🙂



The above photos are a few images from a 3 day live painting session. All in aid of a bit of exposure for the new Hilton Hotel near Bankside. Sat at a corner on Southwark street near London Bridge for 11 hours in total, a completely different work environment then usual, but I completed a canvas that depicts the new building and a massive fox…. ‘A FOX? Why is there a fox?’

OH! I’m glad you asked. Well it is a fox themed hotel, and apparently the story goes that the fox was there first customer! As when they were building this new hotel, a fox was found sleeping inside.

A  🙂




Guinea Pig!! is the latest painting I have created recently! Enjoy a wine or two?

A  🙂



Golden Lab

The latest animal surprised was ordered! This time a Golden Labrador, and well summer has arrived. So why not have him with ice cream on his head?!

A  🙂



Hey Bloggers! I’ve not posted much for a while as I’ve been busy building something potentially exciting! I am now a director of my own company! YAY! bannerAT is an online gallery that finds and curates some of the best art around at affordable prices. Co founded by me and my buddy our aim is to promote and sell high quality Giclee prints by both established and upcoming artists with the idea to create a place where the majority of the profits go to the artist and not the gallery. Sounds pretty exciting right!? Well we launched yesterday, which means we are live today… What are you waiting for? Go and check it out! Maybe buy a print or two? 😉 We are also on social media – who isn’t these days hey! FACEBOOK Twitter INSTAGRAM Pinterest I think that covers the lot! Would be great to see you on these. We have a growing rogues gallery of artists and artwork, a perfect excuse to keep a sharp eye on those outlets to stay up to date with new and exciting art, exclusively commissioned prints, artist interviews and news about Art Thief.

Thanks for listening… whoever you are! 🙂


Been working on another black cat. Second in my Black cat series, using spray paint and acrylics! Below is a snap of the latest canvas. Will get it photographed properly, hoping to do some prints.


A  🙂




Hello bloggers! Kitty and Lottie say hi! I’ve just finished painting these two fur balls for my aunty! As always to those who still follow thank for the likes 😀

A  🙂



Blue Frog!! Has been the latest order to be place for a great animal surprise through someones post!! To grab your own original affordable art please visit my shop via website 


A  🙂



Been working on another black cat. Will make a series out of these I think!! Oh and my last one sold. YAY ME! 🙂 Below is a snap of the latest canvas. will get it photographed properly, hoping to do some prints. 20150209_111657

A  🙂



Been dabbling with spray paint and acrylics!!WOah! there’s something you don’t hear too often around these parts hey! I may make a new series of doing this stuff. What do you think? 😉


A  🙂